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Yoni De-Armoring Sessions in Reno

A beautiful healing opportunity which allows for release of trauma and numbness held in the body and, over time, allows for access to orgasmic pleasure and tapping into an endless, spontaneous flow of creative energy.

Do you have trouble accessing the juicy human you know yourself to be? Have you experienced sexual trauma and are dying to reprogram your yoni’s neural network? Are you searching for ways to experience more pleasure and even more expansiveness? 

Do you ever feel like you’re not quite having the same earth shattering orgasmic experience that others are having? Do you feel shame come up when slipping into a sensual sexual erotic space? Do you only experience clitoral orgasms and are craving to experience a full body orgasm? Do you ever feel numbness or pain during sex?

If any of these questions feel familiar to you, I am here to offer you a solution: a private 90 minute one on one session where we dive into the deep divine sacred space of your yoni. 

I offer somatic healing, massage, and sacred touch that allows for your yoni to grieve, shed old patterns, and rewrite neural pathways in order to open up to  even more pleasure, expansiveness and juiciness.

My offering is unique in that I truly create a safe space and facilitate using safe touch only.  What does that mean? For me it means going as slow as what’s needed in order to truly provide the neural reset your yoni needs. 

Maybe you’ve experienced touch that has been too fast or too rough in the past and your yoni feels hesitant to open up again. Every experience is welcome in my space. 

All of your feelings, emotions, and judgements are safe with me and providing a safe space is of my utmost importance. 

Maybe you’re in a process of searching for what safety actually feels like in your body and I totally understand that.

Safety feels like the womb; soft, gentle, tender, grounding, deeply nourishing and I am here to offer it to you. 

"Jordan held amazing space for me as we journeyed through the traumas that have been stored in and around my yoni.

I felt safe to fully let go and explore the depths of the emotions coming up for me."

- Erica M.

Who is this for?

Females seeking rewiring of their yoni nerves.

Jordan is here to offer a safe space along with guided facilitation that invites in more pleasure, more juiciness, and greater sexual experiences. She believes that all of these things already live inside of you but acknowledges that because of trauma, shame that’s not yours, and blockages, they may be hard to access. Private sessions can help you move through these things to experience a beautiful brand new reality. Yes, your wildest dreams can come true. 

Benefits Include

A deeper access to pleasure and juiciness
Extend your orgasm.
Expansion of consciousness, heart, and soul
More feeling in your yoni
Empowerment in your every day life
An actual change in how you interact with your yoni on a day to day basis
Sensual and Sexual healing
More self love and a deeper understanding of your yoni and the ways it can thrive

Jordan’s yoni de-armoring session made me feel so safe.

It allowed me to dispel walls of trauma that I had put up around intimacy & sex. 

It truly has opened me up & allowed me to move forward in intimate relationships, which for the last 7 months, I was terrified of.

- Sonya S.

From Inorgasmic to Squirter and Everything in Between 🙂

Understand more . . .

just how deeply your yoni affects your every day life and how emotions and trauma can be stored in your yoni for years regardless of how much "work" you've already done. 

Just by allowing these things to release in a safe space can bring your sense of pleasure to a whole new level! When you allow the energy of your yoni to shift and release you’ll notice a change in your mood, everyday sense of wellness, and a greater sense of inner peace. 

Activities may include

Entering into a sacred space of trust, safety, love, and respect
Sharing and allowing yourself to be seen in your journey
Neural reprogramming for your yoni
Yoni de-armoring
Sacred spot massage
Expression of deeply held (or repressed) feelings
Release of emotions or traumas that have been trapped in your yoni
Self pleasure ritual building
Relaxation through massage

Curious What it's Like to Work with Me?

"Blew my mind!"

I am so honored to have received a yoni de-armoring session with Jordan! She held amazing space for me as we journeyed through the traumas that have been stored in and around my yoni. I felt safe to fully let go and explore the depths of the emotions coming up for me and was invited to dive in deeper through the support of open dialogue. It blew my mind what I was able to heal during our time together, it was a potency I don’t think I could have reached without the guidance from Jordan. So grateful!


- Erica M.


"Feel so free now"

Jordan’s yoni de-armoring session made me feel so safe. It allowed me to dispel walls of trauma that I had put up around intimacy & sex. It truly has opened me up & allowed me to move forward in intimate relationships, which for the last 7 months, I was terrified of. I can’t thank Jordan enough for her love & guidance. She truly knows about the female body & how to clear blockages. I feel so free now & feel able to finally move forward from things I was blocked off to in the past. Thank you Jordan!


- Sonya S.


I Promise . . .

Are you ready to make a change in the way your body has been receiving pleasure? No matter where you're at on your journey whether you're inorgasmic or you're having earth-shattering orgasmic experiences, I am here to meet you where you're at.

I am committed to helping you reach your breakthrough and I am so certain of this process that I GUARANTEE that if we work together for just ONE session, your life and your yoni will be irrevocably changed. Trust me 😉